Labor Relief Fund

In the labor movement, we believe in Solidarity- standing together in good times and bad.
The Labor Relief Fund was established in 2020 so that union members in-need don’t have to stand alone. Funds raised are available for union members that are facing a hardship.
Amount of allocation is based on application, union member status, fund availability, and is not intended to be a long term allocation.
CLICK HERE to make a donation to the Labor Relief Fund.
CLICK HERE to apply for an allocation from the Labor Relief Fund.
You can also make a check out to Labor Community @ Work with "Labor Relief Fund" in the memo line and mail to 633 S. Hawley Rd. Suite 110, Milwaukee, WI 53214.
Donations to Labor Community @ Work for the Labor Relief Fund are tax deductible and EIN number is available upon request. Please contact the Milwaukee Area Labor Council with questions at 414-771-7070 or email