Blanket Drive

CLICK HERE for the 2025 Blanket Drive Flyer
Wisconsin winters are unforgiving, especially when the temps drop.
AFL-CIO Community Services of the Milwaukee Area Labor Council and United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County kick off each year by collecting new blankets and monetary donations to purchase new blankets to be distributed to homeless shelters and community agencies throughout the community.
Blankets can be dropped off at the Milwaukee Area Labor Council during business hours.
Checks should be made out to "Labor Community @ Work" and note "Blanket Drive" in the memo line. They can be mailed to the Milwaukee Area Labor Council. 633 S. Hawley Rd. Suite 110, Milwaukee, WI 53214.
For more information contact: Julissa Velazquez at 414-771-7070 ext. 16 or