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CWA 4603- Our Future

Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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More than 13.9% of Wisconsin residents live in areas where there is no broadband infrastructure. In President Biden's American Jobs Plan, there will be an investment of $100 billion to bring universal, reliable, high-speed, and affordable coverage to every family in America. While there are no guarantees on who will do the work, this provides a tremendous opportunity to CWA members nationwide. 

CWA Local 4603 President Greg Tennyson said, "High speed internet service is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity. We need to expand the network to make those services available to all, at an affordable price. Expanding the broadband network will add many good paying union jobs. CWA represents a highly skilled workforce at telecommunications companies throughout the country with members who are able to design, build, sell, install, and maintain those products and services."

CWA 4603 is an active local from political work to informational pickets. We know they will continue to speak up for the best interests of their members and continue to grow in numbers and strength.


We continue to look for opportunities to represent workers in any occupation that are looking for a voice in the workplace. If you would like information on organizing your workgroup to become members of CWA, contact Greg Tennyson at 414 258-4010.


NEW CWA 4603 Executive Board. President Greg Tennyson, Executive Vice President Kim Ward, and Secretary Treasurer Wendy Fonseca.